Friday, April 13, 2012



I recently acquired a Tokina 11-16 f2.8 Wide Angle Lens. This past weekend, my band had a show in Chicago, IL and I figured there was no better time to test it out! I really cannot express my satisfaction with the lens as it allows me to expand to types of images I can capture as before I was shooting with the 50mm f1.8. The woman you see in this post is my lovely fiance, and she graciously allows me to take as many pictures as I want as I'm testing out a new lens. My favorite parts of Chicago are the quiet, tree lines residential areas. Luckily, the bar we were playing at was right next to one so I was able to take a few shots of her there. My favorite shot of the trip though is found directly below her. This is Isaac, one of my best friends as well as the extremely talented drummer I am blessed to play with. I tried to line up this shot so that you could see the street behind him, stretching out towards the heart of Chicago. There was just enough sun to get a nice little flare on the top of the photo. I couldn't help but take a few more shots on that corner and the one that I chose to post on here was another of Brenda. I love black and white photos. It's so interesting how little things in the editing process can completely change the tone of a black and white photo. The last photo here was taken in an awesome bookstore that we stopped by. You can see a couple more friends, Kaitlin and Sam on the far end of the aisle. I wanted to portray all of the qualities of what a bookstore is with this shot. Obviously, there are a plethora of books available to skim and buy, but there were also is ample time to meet and talk to others, just as my friends were doing as I snuck this photo. 

This trip to Chicago made for an awesome time and a great opportunity to test out my new lens. I hope to live there someday on one of those residential streets, but until then, I suppose I'll just settle for these photos. 


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